The components of our universe. Dark
energy comprises 69% of the mass energy density of the universe, dark matter
comprises 25%, and “ordinary” atomic matter makes up 5%. Three types of neutrinos
make up at least 0.1%, the cosmic background radiation makes up 0.01%, and
black holes comprise at least 0.005%.
The dark side of cosmology
March 6, 2015
by Catherine Zandonella
The components of our universe. Dark energy comprises 69% of the
mass energy density of the universe, dark matter comprises 25%, and
“ordinary” atomic matter makes up 5%. Three types of neutrinos make up
at least 0.1%, the cosmic background radiation makes up 0.01%, and black
holes comprise at least 0.005%. Credit: Science/AAAS
The components of our universe. Dark energy comprises 69% of the
mass energy density of the universe, dark matter comprises 25%, and
“ordinary” atomic matter makes up 5%. Three types of neutrinos make up
at least 0.1%, the cosmic background radiation makes up 0.01%, and black
holes comprise at least 0.005%. Credit: Science/AAAS